Amazing Tips About How To Conquer Other Villages In Travian

Administrators will only lower loyalty when:
How to conquer other villages in travian. The catas will destroy the. Is it possible to have more villages produce 3 senator (for further notation, i only use “senator” terms to. Culture points are required to create or conquer additional villages.
A village can be acquired by means of settling or conquering. Player a attacked an enemy village and the chiefs brought the loyalty to zero, therefore player a is now the owner of the village. To chief a village, you need an academy at level 20, a level 5 rally point and a residence or palace at level 10 or 20 (also level 15 for the.
For example, if a roman conquers one of your. A capital cannot be conquered. How do you chief a village in travian?
You can conquer another tribe's village, and yes even natarian. Extend the walls to level 20. You can send the chiefs and the cleaner and catas all in a single wave.
Three senators/chiefs/chieftains in a single wave is the efficient number to conquer. A village cannot be conquered while the palace or residence still exists. Conquering villages preparations getting an administrator (senator, chief, chieftain, logades, nomarch):
In order to get an administrator you need to research him in your academy level 20. You just lose any special buildings that belong to that tribe. A player’s only village also cannot be conquered.